The American Legion Riders Association

       of Joseph Loeffler Post #1006, Brentwood, New York 11717-4677

..................Support the Riders, they help support our Post...............Ride safe.........





Legion Riders Officers  
President PSC Brian Fowler
Vice President Marcel Jefferies
Road Captain Mike Miller
Sec/Treasuer Jennifer Kampel
Sergent-At-Arms Craig Millian
Chaplain Cindy Cohen
Historian Cindy Cohen



Our History
TwoguyswentoutandgotacharterandstartedthisunitandwesignedupabunchofmembersandthenwehadafundraiserandmadealotofmoneyanddonatedittotheAmericanLegion'sLegecyFundandwewenttoRollingThundertwoyearsinarowandhavenotdoneanythingsinceexceptpayourduesTheEnd. (It is now the spring of 2016, they now have new officers with vests, so will we see a new chapter in the Chapter? Time will tell. GGM)

We will be meeting on the third Sunday of the month at 10:00 AM.


The National American Legion Riders Movement

The American Legion Riders is a family oriented group working with the American Legion to promote and aid in the support of our veteran community. The idea of a riders group within the American Legion originated in 1993 when the American Legion Post 396 in Garden City Michigan approached their commander with the concept. It was accepted as a program of the American Legion. It was the brainchild of Legionnaire Chuck (Tramp) Dare and approved by Commander (Polka) Bill Kaledas.

From this humble beginning grew a movement within the American Legion that has spread to posts throughout the United States. True to its original intentions, Legion Riders provide a great service to the communities they live in. They organize charity rides, poker runs and hospital visits. They ride in parades and their presence is a visible extension of the American Legion. They contribute their time and effort to strengthening their respective posts and spreading good will throughout their community.




To participate in parades and other ceremonies that are in keeping with the Aims and Purposes of the American Legion.



To promote motorcycle safety programs and to provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members who share the same interest.


To use our Association to promote and support programs of the American Legion.


 The American Legion Riders are a program of a Post with all the same rules and regulations of all other programs of the Post, however the Riders are open to all members of The American Legion Family. They are sponsored at the discretion of a Post and can be disbanded by a vote of the Post. The Director of the Riders can be appointed and removed at the Post Commander's discretion. All financial records of the Riders must be open and available to the Post at all times. James W. Casey, Department Adjutant.
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American Legion
Joseph Loeffler Post #1006
MMIII-MMXXIV. All Rights Reserved.©
Web Site by P.P.C. G.G. Mignon
Updated on February 7, 2025.