of Joseph Loeffler Post #1006, Brentwood, New York 11717-4677
The name of this organization shall be "The Sons of The American Legion", Squardron #1006.
The Sons of the American Legion Squardron, attached to Post #1006, Department of New York, is a civiian organization. Membership therein does not effect nor increase liability for military or police service.
Section 2.
The Squardron shall be absolutely non-political and non-sectarian and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles or for the promotion of candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment.
Section 3.
The squardron shall be absolutely non-sectarian.
Section 4.
Each member shall perform his full duty as a citizen according to his own conscience and understanding, in accordance with the law.
The Squardron is organnized as a subordinate body of The Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of New York, and under the sponsorship and juisdiction of Joseph Loeffler Post #1006, Department of New York, The American Legion.
Section 2.
This Squardron shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the National Executive Committee of the American Legion, by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Detachment Headquarters, approved by the Department Executive Committee of the American Legion, and by such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by its sponsoring The Post of American Legion, not inconsistent with those prescribed by the National Organization.
All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of the American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during The Great Wars, delimiting periods in Article IV, Section 1, of the honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion.
Section 2.
There shall be no form, or class of membership except an active membership.
Section 3.
No person shall be a member of this Squardron and at the same time be a member of any other Squardron.
The officers of this Squardron shall be, Commander, Vice Commanders, Adjutant, Finance Officer, Sgt. At Arms, Chaplain and Historian.
Section 2.
Such Officers shall take office immediately upon installation and shall serve for one year, provided that such term of office for any officers or officer may be terminated by resignation , in writing and read at the next general meeting, or removal for causes herein-after provided.
Between Squardron meetings the administrative power of the Squardron shall be vested in the Squardron Executive Committee, which shall consist of elective officers for the current year.
Section 2.
All past Squardron Commanders shall be members of the Executive Committee without vote.
The Squardron dues shall be determined by a vote at the regular monthly meeting.
Section 2.
The general membership must be notified (30) thirty days in advance of a proposed motion to increase dues.
Section 3.
Names of delinquent members should be slated at the January meeting.
Section 4.
There is a (30) thirty day grace period at the end of the calendar year to pay dues.
This Constitution is adopted, subject to the provisions of the Detachment Constitution of which this Squadron is a subordinate member. Any amendment to the National or Detachment Constitution which is in conflict with any provision thereof shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions of this Constitution, to the extent of such conflict.
Section 2.
This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting squardron meeting by a majority vote of the members attending such a regular monthly meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing, and read at the preceeding Squadron meeting, and provided further that written notice shall be given to all members at least three consecutive regular meetings in advance of the date when such an amendment is to be voted upon.
Note: Only members in good standing will be privileged to participate in the business of a meeting, vote or hold office. A member in good standing is any member who has a current membership card and is not under disciplinary action or suspension.
The foregoing Constitution and By-Laws has been approved on _______________________,20_________ by
Section 2.
FIRST VICE COMMANDER: The 1st Vice Commander, shall likewise act as representative of the Commander on all matters referred to him and shall specifically be in charge of membership. He shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office.
Section 3.
SECOND VICE COMMANDER: The 2nd Vice Commander, shall likewise act as representative of the Commander, and shall specifically be in charge of Squadron activites. He shall perform such other duties as are specifically incident to the office.
Section 4.
THIRD VICE COMMANDER: The 3rd Vice Commander, shall perform all such duties as the Commander delegates to him.
Section 5.
ADJUTANT: The Adjutant, who corresponds to the Secretary of an organization shall be charged with the administrative duties required in carrying out the policices and mandates of the National and Detachment Committees in The Sons of The American Legion and of the Executive Committee of the Squadron.
Section 6.
FINANCE OFFICER: The Finance Officer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Squardron. He shall be charged with receiving and disbursing the funds of the Squardron and shall make reports upon the condition of the Squardron treasury when called for by the Commander or the Executice Committee of the Squadron.
Section 7.
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be charged with the responsibility of preserving order at all Squadron meetings and shall be given the custody of the Squadron Colors.He shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office.
Section 8.
CHAPLAIN: The Chaplain shall perform such devine and non-sectarian service as may be necessary, adhering to such ceremonial rituals as may be prescribed by the National membership and Post activities Committees of the American Legion.
Section 9.
HISTORIAN: The Historian shall collect from year to year all records and data of value and interests to The Sons of The American Legion and shall compile during his term in office a complete history of the year's activities.
Section 2.
All applications for membership shall be acted upon at the next meeting following the making of such application, with recommendation of the Executive Committee to either accept or reject said application.
Section 2.
Elections for Squadron officers will be held in April. Newly elected officers shall take office at the Post/Squadron installation.
Section 3.
The Junior past Commander shall chair all delegations to County and State conventions until the month of September.
Section 2.
There will be no monthly meetings held during the monhs of July and August.
Section 3.
The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Commander. The Commander must give the Executive Committee (7) seven days notice prior to meeting.
Section 4.
All members of the Squadron who are at Post #1006 when the regular monthly meeting is being conducted must either attend the meeting or leave the Post until the meeting is over.
Section 5.
Any member who is asked to leave the regular monthly meeting by order of the Commander, will be escorted off of the premises of Post #1006 and can not return to the Post until the following day.
Section 6.
Anyone who has been a member for more than (1) one year and has not purchased a Sons of The American Legion hat must pay a fine of $1.00 at every meeting. The Sons of The American Legion hat must be worn during regular monthly meetings.
Section 7.
Minutes of the previous Squadron meeting and any emergency meetings are to be read at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 2.
Four Officers and three Squadron members shall constitute a quorum for a regular monthly meeting.
Section 2.
Such appointment shall be subject to ratification at the regular Squadron monthly meeting.
Section 2.
If such member is suspended or expelled from the Squadron, notification shall be made in writing to the Post Commander.
Section 2.
No resolution shall be presented to the County, State or National until it has been submitted to the Squadron in writing for approval, revision and recommendations.
Section 3.
The said resolution must be voted upon by the membership at the Squadron monthly meeting.
Section 4.
The general membership of the Squadron must be notified (30) thirty days in advance of ther resolution.
Section 5.
The resolution must be printed in the Post newspaper under the title of the Sons of The American Legion.
Section 2.
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular Squadron meeting by a majority vote of the members attending such a regular monthly meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing, and read at the preceeding Squadron meeting, and provided further that written notice shall be given to all members at least (3) three consecutive regular meetings in advance of the date when such an amendment is to be voted upon.
The foregoin Constitution and By-Laws has been approved on ________________________ ,20____________ by