Monthly Newsletter

Joseph Loeffler Post #1006

198 First Street

Brentwood, NY 11717-4677


Still serving in the community of Brentwood for over 95 years.

JULY, 2024



..............Have a safe and fun Fourth of July !!.........State Convention in Niagara Falls...........


VOL. 50    No. 7

Click here for the Event page:EVENTS

See below for classified ads.

Social Area summer hours until Labor Day:






June 10th County convention

Reg: 9:30-12:45

Post Everlasting: 11:00, than lunch

Convention: 2:00-? Bar closed until convention ends.



Members Birthdays in July
 8th-Juan Betancourt
 8th-Carl Sventina
 10th-Gary Gravesandy
 11th-PMP Trish Jordan
 17th-Tom Murphy Jr.
 22nd-Laraine Scarlato
 23rd-Bill Eames
 23rd-Ed Poirier
 24th-Ernie Friedrich
 31st-George Mullane



July Dates
 4th-America's birthday





July's survey question:

First Name:

Last Name:

This month's question:On a scale of 1-10, (1 being the most important, 10 being the least important), how likely would you participate in the following events?

Night Ducks game_________ Day trip to a casino_______ Fishing trip________ Day trip to ?_________ .Overnight trip to ? _________.

To send your answers, please click --->  and please put 'Survey' in the Subject box.
Thank you for valued time and input.



American Legion
Post 1006

July 12th, @ 1900hrs

American Legion Auxiliary
Unit 1006

September 10th, @ 1900hrs

Sons of the American Legion
Squadron 1006

September 10th, @ 1930hrs


American Legion Riders
Chapter 1006

July 17th, @ 1700 hrs

Board of Directors
Post 1006

September 13th @ 1800 hrs

Suffolk County
American Legion

TBA, 1800 hrs @ Post #


Drill Team/Color Guard
Post 1006


Joseph A. Kirk
Voiture # 713

July 17th, 1900 hrs via zoom

Suffolk County
American Legion Auxiliary

September 14th, 1000 hrs @ Post #411


Buy and sell at your own risk. Know who you are dealing with, and beware of scammers.





Legion Riders Challange Coin

AL Riders


See Brian Fowler.

SAL Challenge Coin



See Brian Fowler.

SAL Shirts



See Brian Fowler for sizes available.

Post caps

Assorted colors


One size fits most. See Jim Brown.

Assorted Bumper Stickers

Services, Legion, etc..

$1.00 each

See bartender.

Post License Plates

Put them on your car, or swap 'em.


See bartender.


Post phone number: 435-9636.


Photos (p)

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American Legion
Joseph Loeffler Post #1006
MMIII-MMXXIV.All Rights Reserved.©
Web Site by P.P.C. G.G. Mignon
Updated on June 2, 2024.